is a
great site that lets you save bookmarks to a central location. This makes it so easy when working or moving around on multiple pcs. Tagging your bookmarks make it a social event and easy for others to find similar bookmarks.
LibraryThing I have been a member of Library Thing for some time now and love the reading community there. Library Thing is an online catalogue of your own book collection and that of others.
Books can be given tags that allow you to link to other members with the same books. Also link to similar type book titles and authors. It is great to discuss with others what they are reading and find other reading suggestions. You can find me as member name leany17.
As you will see from my Library Thing widget, I am a Stephen King and Dean Koontz fan. One of my favourite Stephen King stories adpated into a movie is :
The Shawshank Redemption. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins were excellent in their portrayals in the film. This film was taken from
Different Seasons which is a collection of novellas.
Different Seasons contains four stories:
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption,
Apt Pupil,
The Body, and
The Breathing Method. Each story is given a subtitle, one for each season of the year. Three movies,
The Shawshank Redemption (based on Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption),
Apt Pupil, and
Stand By Me (based on The Body), were made based on the stories from this book.
I am also listed under
Shelfari also as leany17.
While I don't get on both of these sites as often as I would like, I really enjoy being part of both. I have made friends with people across the globe who enjoy reading.
Another site for sharing books is
Bookcrossing. The world's biggest free bookclub - Put simply this is where members, can exchange, pass on or give away books that they have read and no longer wish to keep or perhaps want returned to them after others have finished reading the book.