Monday, May 18, 2009

Test Drive #4 Social networking

This is a fun way to catch up with family and friends, old and new. I recently made contact with an friend from high school that I had lost contact with., through Facebook. Now trying to put this into the theme of my blog has made me think hard. (plus over the last couple of weeks have been waylaid with no PC and the flu).

I love Facebook - it is a great way to keep in contact with family that is a distance away to prevent regular catchups. Twitter is a quick enjoyable way to know what is happening now.

Both of these social networking avenues provide contact with just about anyone and anything that have influence in your life. I have a condition called neurofibromatosis and have made contact with many people worldwide that have the same condition.

I also am friends or a fan or booksites and authors on Facebook and Twitter. This provides me with current information on what is new and exiciting in new books. Authors on Twitter is great entertainment as well as letting us know what they are currently doing or working on.

Now for my book and movie: Something a bit different. Running with Scissors with Augesten Burroughs. I have chosen this because Augusten Burroughs has a profile on Facebook and regularly using Twitter @augusten.

Running with Scissors is a memoir from Augesten Burroughs. It is an story that will make you weep, laugh and draw on almost every human emotion.

Find out more at

For information on the movie go to

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